What is Embodied Leadership?

Have you ever experienced something so deeply you could feel it in your body?  The physical body is a tool we can use to navigate our world every moment of every day.

I recently watched Polynesian dancers dance and It was truly AMAZING!  These dancers used their entire body and their voice to create an amazing story through dance.  They made these noises that were so tribal and purposeful.  They sounded like quick, purposeful shrieks (screams). Each dancer took turns.  Almost like they were taking turns being heard.  Each step, each movement had a purpose.  

Years ago; I took belly dancing lessons just to learn more about how to move my body.  I learned that when the dancers move their hips, it’s not only the hips they are moving.  They use their entire body.  Their feet, legs, knees, hips ribs, shoulders, arms, etc.  They become so in tune with their bodies that they can create movements that look so beautiful and easy.  I never got that good with belly dancing however, the lessons I had learned about using the entire body with purpose stick with me today.  

Just like the dancers, we can use our bodies in a much more intentional and integrated way.  Our body has such innate intelligence and when you can learn to tap into that knowledge amazing things can happen.  You’ll have better intuitive knowledge because you listen to what your body is telling you with confidence.

I’ve always been intuitive and didn’t know it was a gift until after I started learning about energy healing.  When someone was “off” I usually knew it.  Even when it came to animals.  At that time in my life, I didn’t know how or why I knew these things.  When I worked at a horse farm in my late teens and early 20’s I noticed one of the horses acting funny so I went to tell my boss.   She came running down from the house and when I said…” I’m not sure it’s anything.”  She said “Kathy! You’re never wrong.” As we got to the horse's stall, she was down with colic.  As I learned about energy and healing methods, I realized what I had been doing.   Now, I do it with more intention because I know what it is!

One of my teachers, Suzanne Scurlock, describes 6 wisdom areas of the body. When you tune into these areas you can learn so much.  I’ll tell you a little about them here and go deeper in subsequent posts.

  1. Wisdom of the Heart: The gift of inspiration
  2. Wisdom of the Gut: Gift of Knowing
  3. Wisdom of the Pelvis: Gift of Power
  4. Wisdom of the legs and feet: Gift of Movement
  5. Wisdom of the Bones: Gift of Steadiness
  6. Wisdom of the Integrated Brain: Gift of Decision-making
These areas go deeper than the traditional chakra system you may have heard about that is used in different energy modalities.  I love how Suzanne brings these gifts to us in such a grounded and natural way.  You may recognize an area you relate to more than another.  

We’ll be diving deeper over the next several weeks so that I can better show you how to connect with your internal navigation system that is your body and use it to the extent it was meant to be used.

Are you ready to tap into the innate wisdom of your body? Take the Drama Dragon quiz now and discover which of the 6 wisdom areas you resonate with
Just like the Polynesian dancers who use their entire bodies to tell stories through dance, you too can learn to move with purpose and intuition.  

Join me on this journey of self-discovery and unlock the power of your body’s intelligence.  Take the Drama Dragon quiz today and start your journey towards greater self-awareness and empowerment.

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